Routine Dental Care
Dental Anxiety, Dental Cleaning and Examinations, and Emergency Dental Care.
Routine dental care can encompass a number of oral healthcare treatments. At Signature Smile Family Dentistry, each component represents an important piece of our practice. It’s our job to execute each step of the process as well as we can so our patients can preserve the long-term health of their teeth, gums, and jaw.
Dental Anxiety
Drills, anesthetics, and metal tools are just a few reasons why people can clam up when they think about visiting the dentist. Dental anxiety is common, but not every dental team knows how to respond to it. Whether you’re nervous about all the time spent in the chair or fearful of your diagnosis, the reality is that these emotions can stop you from getting treatment (or completing your course of treatment).
Dealing with anxiety has to be a priority for any dental office because it’s a proven way to help patients focus on preventative rather than reactive care. If you have a filling that you’re nervous about filling, it may not take long before the hole grows large enough that it can’t be filled. If you ignore it beyond that, you may lose the tooth altogether. If you have any concerns at all, even if you think these concerns aren’t necessarily keeping you from seeking services, it’s important to find a team that can offer you more than one-time reassurance.
Dental Cleaning and Examinations
Every six months, your dentist will ask you to get a dental exam in Rockledge, FL. These routine checkups are the front line of defense of the dental world, a chance for the dentist to understand how your teeth, gums, and jaws are changing over time. The best way to prevent major problems down the line is to be as diligent as possible about these cleanings, particularly if you’re not always as diligent about brushing and flossing throughout the day.
Dental cleanings go the extra mile compared to your standard oral hygiene routine. No matter how advanced your toothbrush is or how careful you are when you floss, it’s impossible to get every last particle from your teeth and gums. These cleanings leave your mouth feeling squeaky clean, and they allow your dentist to assess the rest of the mouth. For instance, if your gums are starting to show the slightest bit of recession, it may be because you’re brushing your teeth too hard. Getting a softer toothbrush could be a smart way to slow the problem down.