What Are Dental Implants?
A dental implant places a metal fixture next to your jawbone, and over time, that fixture will bond to the bone. After this occurs, the dentist will finish the treatment with a permanent crown, one that looks and acts much like a real tooth. While it’s true that implants will take up space differently in the mouth than a real tooth, this is the best option if you don’t want to leave an open gap in your mouth. Opting for this treatment means that you won’t have to deal with movement from the crown while you chew. Plus, you’ll get permanent support for your facial muscles with dental implants.
Implants can be placed one tooth at a time, but there are choices available if you want to replace multiple teeth without getting separate implants for each one.For instance, all-on-four implants can replace both arches on the upper and lower parts of the job in as few as four posts. It’s a complete restoration of the mouth that can leave you with the smile you’re looking for. Our Rockledge, FL dentist can help you learn more about the best implant option for you.
The implant procedure is unfortunately not available to everyone, as some people will not have the gums or the bone strength to support the metal post and crown. However, for anyone who is eligible, it helps to know how the process works and what its benefits are.
Preparation for Dental Implants
Preparation starts with standard evaluations, which may be done by a number of different professionals. For the easiest cases, you’ll only need to work with the dental specialist. In other cases, you may need to visit a periodontist, an ENT, or even a maxillofacial surgeon. These extra visits can confirm that you’re ready, so everyone can sign off on the next steps.
No matter what, you’ll need both X-rays and 3D images that show your teeth and jaw, so the shape of the implant is as close as possible to the real thing. Be prepared to answer questions about your health and history, so the doctor knows what to prescribe. If you’re looking for a team with a strong network, Signature Smile Family Dentistry in Rockledge can refer you to the right people if we can’t take care of it on our own.
The Dental Implant Process
Dental implants take more time than other treatments because the Rockledge, FL dentist needs to wait for the post to merge with the bone. The general process will typically follow the following steps:
- Removal: Teeth may be removed either by simple or surgical extraction. With a surgical extraction, the dentist will typically need to go into the gums in order to take out the tooth. (This is usually done for wisdom teeth, though, which do not require a replacement).
- Implant: The small post will need to go into the socket of the missing jaw. You’ll receive a temporary crown after the implant is placed, and the jaw is given time to heal.
- Crown: Once the implant is sufficiently attached to the bone, the dentist will place an abutment and then the final crown. The permanent replacement will be fashioned to fit with the rest of your mouth. The dentist can even adjust its color, so it doesn’t stand out from the rest of the teeth.
- The process may also include grafting if your jawbone is either too thin or too soft. Chewing requires your bones to be strong enough to handle the pressure, so it’s important that they’re resilient enough to handle the implant. A bone graft will essentially rebuild the jaw, either with the help of your own bones or through synthetic material. If you’re doing a minor jaw rebuild, the process can take place relatively soon before the implant process.
If you’re wondering how long you’ll go between appointments, this will depend on your body’s natural rhythms. In some cases, you might be ready for the final crown in just six weeks. For others, it might be closer to several months. The risks of the treatment are relatively low, but they can cause injury, infection, nerve damage, or sinus problems. To protect your oral health, it’s important to find a dentist in Rockledge with enough experience to further reduce your odds of complications.
Dental Implant After Care
If you’re getting a dental implant in Rockledge, FL, the immediate effects tend to be minor. As long as the procedure progressed as expected, you may experience minor swelling, bruising, pain, or bleeding. Typically, this can all be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers, though you may need antibiotics to control the possibility of an infection.
After the site has healed, caring for an implant is similar to caring for your regular teeth. You’ll brush twice a day, both under and around the implant crown, and floss with unwaxed tape. Your Rockledge, FL dentist may recommend certain products for you, such as a certain type of irrigator, to protect your implant and keep it as clean as possible.
Benefits of Dental Implants
Dental implants are so much more than just filling in your smile. While it’s certainly aesthetically nice to have two full rows of teeth, the real benefits come when you can eat and speak naturally. When you have dental implants, you can prevent the other teeth from shifting or sliding to take their place. You avoid putting extra pressure on your healthy teeth when eating. It may even give you a compelling reason to brush and floss more regularly.
Getting dental implants will require some commitment on your part, but the results are undeniable. This is a permanent solution to a missing tooth, one that allows you to return to the days before you lost it. If you’re ready to get back to eating and speaking without the impediment or you just want a treatment more permanent than a temporary crown, the right implant can last for decades to come.